Sunday, May 23, 2010

Dish Towel

Here is on of my first dish towel for my Etsy inventory. I am very happy with it and am excited about this new enterprise, however since I announced that I would be open for business in July, I have had several moments of pure panic. I know that many of you out there have Etsy shops and blog regularly and you are my heroes. I am struggling ( with myself only) with giving myself time to blog and create, I think its because I am enjoying it so much. As you know from my earlier post I am not always the most organized super homemaker, and I have a little anxiety about this. Sometimes I feel like I am having too much fun and not being responsible enough. I know, I know ,what a silly girl, I need to embrace the fun and the many wonderful gifts in my life and stop trying to deserve them. Thank you Lord for not always giving me what I deserve. So, I am off to be creative and enjoy it for awhile and then be responsible for a while and then creative again. Gosh I have a great life, and so do you! Let's all enjoy Sunday !

1 comment:

Tricia P. said...

Love your blog, Pam! What a great idea. I love being able to find out what is going on in your life and admire the talents you have that I WISH I had!